Home / Diet Water's Website

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Hi Allison! I don't know how likely you are to see this, as you've not updated your website in a year (sadly). But I was wondering if I could use the neocites_button.gif and freespeechforever.gif buttons on my website? If not, I understand. I hope you come back soon as your website was one of the ones to inspire mine when I started a year ago.
Hi Cinni! I really like the way you've designed your website. I was wondering if you could let me use the pride button that's on your about section on my website? If not, I understand.
cinni 1 year ago

of course! I didn't make it ^^; i found it from a badge collection

Just updated it! Most of the pages don't have any content but they soon will (hopefully). I didn't bother archiving the previous iteration on the wayback machine, so if you for some reason want to look at my old code, then send me a message and I'll hook you up.

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedFeb 7, 2022
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