Home / Diet Water's Website

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updated my website! christmas break starts tomorrow so maybe i'll be able to update it more... or not, idk.
Yeah, so turns out my browser was just acting a little weird yesterday, so it's completely fine now.
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So I finished putting down the books I want to read in my book reviews section, but it is weirdly distorted. I have no clue what's happening there because the local version of it on my ssd looks COMPLETELY fine, so if anyone is looking at that, I'm sorry. I'll fix it as soon as I can, but it's late as I'm writing this and need to go to bed, so it'll just have to be like that.
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eloipodio 6 months ago

Looks fine to me, maybe browser problem?

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New design is up! Some things won't work but I will fix it soon. I hope anyone who stumbles on it likes it, I took a lot of time doing this :)
New web design incoming! I'm doing it slow, but it is getting done. I've had some unfortunate life events that have happened to me recently, making this a slower process, but it will be done.

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedFeb 7, 2022
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