Fixed the layout. Thank you Neocities preview image for always reminding me of how my code layout sucks :D
UPDATE: I had to re-upload all of my stuff bc my organisation was one big mess. I've finally gotten everything in the right folders, but some of the pages might nor be linked correctly anymore. I'll try my best to fix iit up so there won't be any dead links :3
UPDATE: The only big change is the Album Gallery layout, i didn't like the scroll so now it's one full page !! Still can't decide on the theme so it's a bit blank right now
thanks!!!!! i hope to get back to improving my website but rn im preparing for my finals ;( and omg that is not weird!! its cute, id love to see more of your art
Aah finals are rough <3 sending lot's of motivation ur way !! I don't have a lot of art on my site but you can check out my insta if you wanna see my stuff :0 ( @d1n0_4rt )
wanted to check out ur ig but then i rembemred i have a social media 'detox' lol!! but im def gonna look it up when i come back to ig ;33 also thx for these nice words, bc it sure is tough... actually, one of my exams will be IT - thats why im not doing html, gotta focus on a diff programming language;((
Oooh IT sounds interesting tho.. I've never rlly done any coding besides this, whats it like? I rlly hope the coding gods are on ur side for the exam !!
Also social media detox sounds rlly nice, i should probably also get on that x,D
coding is soo hard! (at least for me lol). fourtunetely i dont have to only know how to code for my finals. there will be also tasks with database managment and spreadsheets which are wayyy easier for me!! however i think its nice to know how to code (especially python or java) in the present-day. the thing is im not sure if its sth for me lol
oh yeah, world without tiktok-like apps is way better xD i only use yt and pinterest which i dont even consider social media
i'll try my best to explain here, but ur also very welcome to snoop around in my code :3 So.. I have a class for every album, inside that class i have the cover img and a title function with the descriptions. In css you set the title position to absolute and position it how you like, visibility to hidden. Then you just make title:hover visibilty: visible; and ur done !!! hope this helps <3
Thank you sm !! It's actually just a zine made with the electric zine maker ( ), and then insertet with an iframe :D really easy if you wanna make smth similar hehe .. And ur site is really cute as well, i love the green apple theme
@din0r4wr thank you so much :D and that's rly cool, thanks for sharing!! i'll look into it :0
OMG!!! Thank you so much, I'm so happy you like my page :D