The web site of epharaim

81 updates
0 tips
Just finished my first day of student teaching! :3
Working on some additions to the setting and mythos pages that should be out shortly. I’ve also been working sporadically on cultural profiles, but I’m probably only going to post those once all of them are done instead of doing it piecemeal.
I've written up and posted another batch of gods because I've honestly latched onto that part of the setting the most over the past few days. I'm also planning on posting more info regarding the various cities/notable landmarks as soon as I have it all written.
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numbersstory 1 year ago

i really like Veralix, very curious about the culture clashes she induces!

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Finally back from my NYC trip. Gonna take a day or two to recharge and then throw myself back into the coding tutorials to (hopefully) make my site a little less boring.
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numbersstory 1 year ago

did you enjoy your trip? do anything fun/cool?

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epharaim 1 year ago

Trip was cool, saw Spamalot on Broadway and ate more than I probably should have, but that's future me's problem

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Finally got around to posting a (somewhat) major update with my mythos dump. I’ll work on cleaning up the formatting once I have access to a proper computer, but I wanted to get some new content out there.
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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedAug 8, 2023
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immersivefiction personal worldbuilding dnd ttrpgs