Francis Gaarden's Ephemerium

697 updates
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Fixing more broken links. The only person I have to blame for 'em is myself....
ephemerium 1 week ago

Me@2022me: How are you gonna make a website with hardly anything on it and still drop the ball like this ??? (I was probably unmedicated TBH)

There's an RSS feed now, in case you need to be alerted when my next blog update comes out and I talk about apples again or something...
1 like
ephemerium 1 week ago

Maybe if you're lucky I'll actually post real content 🤔

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LOL @ my last status
Happy New Year fellas. I'm gonna try being more active on here this year. 2023 was a shitshow. Super busy. You know how it is
if u tell me cool lepidoptera fact can i tell u a cool coleoptera fact ? :P
ephemerium 2 weeks ago

Depending on the region they're in (in terms of seasonal temperature that allows them to have more/less breeding cycles in a given year), luna moths can have some slight color variation. The ones hatched closer to wintertime are a little "bluer" and they are more green the further you get into spring and summertime :0 IIRC, color is also a trait of their sexual dimorphism; males are typically a slightly lighter shade

thanks for following me !! :DD i love your layout ^^

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Last updated 10 hours ago
CreatedAug 27, 2022
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entomology art literature