Femboy Finder

2,635 updates
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Hey I added your site to my webring, I hope you don't mind. But also I have a suggestion, why not make your site a github repo? This would allow others to do the hard work of adding femboys to the list without relinquishing any amount of ownership of your site.
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fbdb 1 year ago

Whoops. Sorry for the previous comment, I accidentally hit the wrong enter. I don't know much about webrings, but thanks I think. Also funny enough, I started on this site way before I knew how to use Git and well, now I do. And the public Github repo sounds like a good idea. Thank you.

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whoops, site was broken for 2 days because i copied over the javascript but not the html
Huge update!!
1 like
awesome site! the font is pretty hard to read though. I would increase the spacing between the letters or increase the font size a bit :)
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meowchela 1 year ago

thank you!! i was wondering about the font's so hard to find something both cute and readable ;;; i'll mess around with that, ty!

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Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJan 4, 2023
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