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Alright, my last remark was harsh, so I'll play nicer. I understand you are hurt and bitter. However, you are taking this the wrong way. The majority of the trans community just wants to exist without any issues. The majority of people with autism just want to live a happy and comfortble life. You are taking issues that you personally suffered with and weaponizing that. Your truama is no excuse to be a hateful person
ralts 2 years ago

There are people who will not be nice to people who those who want us to be hurt and frankly we have a reason to feel the way we do. We do not feel comfortable with people who disagree with us being usually that means we're beng told that our meer existence is harmful, which isn't the case. We just want the world to not shit on us.

ralts 2 years ago

You are lost. You are lost emotionally and you're on the way to make a very bad turn. If you take the time to listen to and understand people, then maybe you so't be so lost.

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CreatedNov 5, 2021
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