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After found Mull for Android ( not confuse with Mullvad Browser, they are not related ) is making the same initial connections to Mozilla like the oiriginal firefox. And it could get taken from F-Droid. Another wasted opportunity. You can fix it using the same method of firefox: block firefox.* using DOH, excluding the domains to a non resolving DNS.
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The s falling from FB and google lately is going so fast I guess I don't need to speak here about it. Suddenly Chrome send data to google in incognito and snapchat is sniffed not surprises here. Simply run away from this people.
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Patreon and Gumroad has got chocked again by their payment friends ( Mastercard, Visa, Paypal ... ) to stablish new rules about adult content. Gumroad almost ban it, and Patreon now must have a explicit consent even between imaginary characters.
I will add rules for ublock to block the domains google, microsoft, apple , facebook...
Today, the main instance of this proxy search, is down surely by a DDOS attack , meanwhile you can use another instances: . Isn't amazing the REAL distributed web ?

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedDec 13, 2023
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