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To those that read my rambley blog posts of recent, i appreciate ya, i've been feeling alone and shitty about myself for a long while now, i'm just trying to cope and get on with things that i like as best as i can but sometimes i just have days of wanting to just watch shows or play games and procrasitnate instead of create so I hope to get back into the swing of things as this has been very fun today to do. : )
chocolaterevel 8 months ago

It fine to have days like that 😁 let me know tho if u want me to ignore ur blog posts for privacy

grumpycyclops 7 months ago

Yeah, it's just been abit more constant than i'd like of late. But yeah do what you like @chocolaterevel, i'm publicly posting them so it doesn't matter.

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There is also a inverted Zoey on the front page now if people wanna get straight into the dark mode site over the light mode. And i've started working on a homage to old anime geocities from the late 90s but that one is gonna take some time to do cos i am still drawing up ideas on how i want things to look before i html/css it all.
After so many hours, i've finished the OC pages to a standard i can be happy with for now. They're like little stat sheets more than full backstory lore types which just means, if people wanted to draw or take liberties with my characters, they can. It's more a guidance to their personalities and such. :3c Yeah that being said the OC page now has icons that i will eventually draw new designs for in future.
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedAug 6, 2023
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cyclops personal art retro ocs