angelboy heaven

784 updates
0 tips
going to organize the projects tabs and most likely add on a lot to the nav buttons
do I really need a journal if I'm keeping an active art archive
habaneroo 1 week ago

I thought of my own answer. My journals can be for doodles and devwork, while my archive is for finished pieces.

I haven't truly written since 2023(?) but I'd like to start again. I think writing more is really linked to reading more and I plan to do that more as well. Promises, promises...
still updating but I added a mini-blog section on the homepage, a favorite sites section, and a resources section in the about me w/ coding and graphics sites !!
yeah I'm remaking my whole site and the reason may or may not be just because I couldn't change the background color of the main content frame. anyways consider this layout dead as I make something completely new.
added a full content warning - beware of broken links as I add more information directly on-site
added more pages and added all of my digital art from pre2020. will be adding all of my artwork up to 2025 in the coming week. this excludes sketchbooks as I still need to find a way to scan all of them.

Website Stats

Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedOct 6, 2024
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art ocs comics writing darkfiction