i don't know if ms. graybox sees this stuff, but if you do, you are a saint. https://prnt.sc/6vymJWoWKdZ0
Glorious day to randomly browse the main activity feed. You are a lifesaver. This has been a problem that has plagued me for years. Bless.
oh, thank you! good day to have been really bored and noticed my feed goes farther back than my site's existence.
i used to be a poor schmuck that loved post-hardcore and it was so funny. no one in the genre knew what it meant
somebody send me a better resource for sound effects than scouring through youtube, i cannot for the life of me find a good enough sound for pushing a rubber button (not that it really makes a sound in real life... but it's not about its ACTUAL sound, y'know?)
freesound has always worked as a pretty good sfx site for me, you just need an account to download there I think, but there's scripts to get around that iirc B)
i scoured and scoured, but these scripts unfortunately don't seem to work anymore. however, the sounds are good, so i'll begrudgingly sign up.
new cool gadget, come check it! (again, notify me of any technical issues with it you may experience)