
1,164 updates
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has anyone reading this made a custom domain with neocities? i just became a supporter recently and i want to take out the ""
nohappynonsense 3 years ago

did it a while back on an older site, but it's been a bit. what issue were you having?

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izzyebb 3 years ago

theres instructions that say i have to add an "A record" to point your root domain but i dont know how to do that. I just bought a domain from namecheap from

nohappynonsense 3 years ago

ugh I figured this out back in the day but I did have to email Kyle when it didn't catch over right away. Not a supporter at the moment so I don't see the exact instructions. Will call over some friends to help

nohappynonsense 3 years ago

lol jk looks like you figured it out

somebody left a nice comment and i tried to reply and accidentally deleted it :'( i played myself
encounters-ltd 3 years ago

if i had a nickel for every time that happened to me :((

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thanks for following folks, youre a bunch of cool dudes! also i havent coded in like a year
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I too one day hope to get cool pants. Dig the site, keep up the good work!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 31, 2020
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