I once spoke of something similar, though much less humorous or eloquent..."Why must something die in order for me to live?," I would quietly ask myself as I ate my food. As childish as it sounds, with every bite I would imagine that my digestive system was a gateway to heaven, where any plant or animal that I ate could live forever in peace.
@LetsLearn I once was next to a cow that was sick and dying, the day before it was going to be slaughtered. It struck me that it was really sad that it wouldn't be eaten, that its death had little meaning, not even to sustain others.
@murid That is indeed sad. Perhaps it might be said that death itself is tragic when all beings strive to live and thrive.
You probably know this, but 35 is the limit in very high humidity. I've experienced a 54 degree day, and now take temperature records very seriously before moving places.
Yup, a wet-bulb temp. of 35C can lead to hyperthermia. https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/wet-bulb
saw a news article lately about a child horrifically burning their feet walking barefoot near wrens hometown... remembering that walking barefoot to the beach was the norm growing up. now children only have a world of scorching sun and black asphalt.
IIRC, the opening of "The Ministry for the Future" by Kim Stanley Robinson covers a mass wet-bulb heat death event that really captures the horror of what it will be like in 10-20 years in certain parts of our planet. Really scary shit.
@mystic yes, at 36C wetbulb right now. I've experienced 50C in a desert, it's a whole different feeling.
Yes! Thank you for that BoingBoing article link. Funnily enough, I have been studying Elinor Ostrom's work a lot lately and dug this summary: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGS78lExn0n2NJpqHw75bcVVj2UlVcNxS I was always put off by "The Malthusian Premise," "The Tragedy of The Commons," and other vaguely "scientific" concepts that are used to try to justify despotism.
I generally agree with you on "AI" as well. However, that seems to be a problem with most approaches to automation in general. It is only useful to the extent that it removes the toil or danger from tasks that must be done in order to survive *for everyone's benefit simultaneously*. If not, then it is just contributing to despotism.
Insightful post, definitely helps me put into words my conflicted feelings with respect to artists rights vs the concepts of public domain and open source
Oooh which solo RPG system are you going to be playing? I recently played several sessions of Fallen as well as Sundered Isles for some interesting solo adventures. It's delightfully entertaining to be able to escape to a world of imagination anytime without having to worry about scheduling across 4-5 friends.
@lost I'm trying out 'Sword, Sorcery & 2d6', which is very indie and janky. But yeah, as they say the fantasy aspect of D&D is the idea that you can get a bunch of adults to together to play a game.
This is kind of ancient history by now, but what was 'Staff Eng' actually referring to?? I'm curious.
@Metamorphosis I'm still around. Just these last few months have been really busy so I haven't had much time to update the website.
criminal that you made me realise both how much i want a jane austen mecha anime and that this does not exist
Field Study is an international art exchange that creates a few different collective works annually. Long-standing and worth checking out: http://daviddellafiora.blogspot.com/
I liked the sailor husband analogy very much. I think it's uncanny how quickly things went back to 'normal'. I felt naive for thinking that some things might change for the better after what everyone had to go through. Sometimes I came across notices that some places overlooked or didn't bother to take down, about keeping distances or not sitting next to another person, which were like some weird residue of the past.
@rini I am so tempted to document all these signs and artifacts that were left behind by covid.
That would make kind of a quirky project! I would even contribute my own findings if you so liked. But I don't have any at the moment and can't even remember where I saw the ones that I did anymore. Likely at jabatan kerajaan or not so popular eateries.
Found one today https://ibb.co/NsRLKcw