The Art Pit

35 updates
0 tips
Unsure if it would be better to post updates to the comic process here or on my actual page. I'm trying not to affect my number count too much but eh. Also, it probs uses more bytes to host all the updates on the page, right? I guess I'll just post the most recent on there so folks can see it? We'll figure it out eventually.
I've been away a while, haven't I? I'll admit, that's mostly because I'm scared of learning to properly code this site and I've had...a LOT going on. Probably going to actually try to make this functional soon, though. It will be very different since I'll be using it for a lot more of my art projects and things. Mostly fan stuff. Welp...better get back to work. TTFN!

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedAug 31, 2023
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art animals food gaming writing