hi maybe - Jacoder23

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Also 3 days, 261 updates!?
This is awesome man! You should learn JavaScript and JQuery! You'd be a natural.
I just got 3 great ideas! Won't announce them until they're finished!
Making a coffee app. It's going to tell you when to drink coffee.
benzona 8 years ago

Will the whole app just be the word "Always"? ;)

1 like
jacoder23 8 years ago

Close, there is a chemical produced by your body that I call, "human coffee". It sometimes drops, sometimes rises. This app will tell you when that happens so your coffee will be more effective. I actually tried to pitch this to my group at Youthhack. But if you like, "Always" is always the best answer if you really want a rush. ;)

I'm at Youthhack, my God it's boring.
Hi guys! I'm gonna be working on a project with someone else so there's not gonna be any updates to the site for a while!

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedNov 19, 2015
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