The Home Site of JeremyRedhead

1,145 updates
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Just FYI, your stylesheet currently won't load in pale moon (obscure fork of firefox) because you're serving it over http, instead of https. :p
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imaginings 7 years ago

Ooh. Thank you so much for telling me, fixing it right now.

yupthatsme 7 years ago

How do you serve it over https?

imaginings 7 years ago

I just replaced any http in links with https :)

Your new style/css is very interesting! (Though I kinda miss the little red arrows) Also just noticed your 404 page breaks in subdirectories
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strata 8 years ago

Hey thanks. 404 will be fixed soon!

strata 8 years ago

(and maybe I can bring the red arrows back in link lists, let's see.)

Just FYI, Neocities recently changed their system, so that it only displays recently added/updated pages, not imgaes/css/whatever. And you can always delete your activity (doesn't affect actual uploads)
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jeremyredhead 8 years ago

Just removing some old crufty css, move along, nothing to see here.

So, I didn't actually end up working on my site today -- but; fear not! I did hack together a little userscript for developing neocities sites offline, so hopefully that'll be up soon. (I'd put this message on my site if not for burnout :P)
jeremyredhead 8 years ago

also the edit button suddenly isn't working for me; when i click it just disappears :o

jeremyredhead 8 years ago

Updated that blog post like I said I would!

jeremyredhead 8 years ago

I've successfully replaced the "hr"s in my navbar with a slimmer css-only only alternative. If you don't like the new look though, please let me now and I'll try to improve it! :)

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Hey anlucas how should I attribute you on my website?
anlucas 8 years ago

Actually, the only stuff on your site i made was the ANLucas button and the NeoCities button. I didn't make the under construction gif though, I got it from one of those gif websites.

jeremyredhead 8 years ago

Oh, whoops. :P I guess I'll just attribute the under construction gif to the general internet.

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedFeb 6, 2016
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