cyberspaceport 2020

174 updates
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The Cyber Spaceport has been added to the map.
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Nice, love the concept!
can't believe I am just seeing this site now since apparently you've been around since 2015? Love the layout and the pulp scifi art (I am also a big fan and have a habit of buying old books for their covers)
Browsing your site makes me smile. :) I remember the flower forest being one of the first Bitsy games I ever played, but only today did I discover ~secrets~. I relate to your reasons for slowing down on creative work. Take care, thanks for making stuff. :)
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niceware 4 years ago

this is so sweet!! I'm glad one of mine could introduce you to bitsy games... I hope to get back into the swing of things soon

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Really appreciating your articles and your collection of 88x31 badges. I got lost exploring a number of them. Thanks!
neonaut 4 years ago

Thanks for reading!

1 like
I love the colors on your site; they are so comforting. :) Also the 'Last Modified' at the bottom of your page is a great feature - I had no idea you could access it from the document itself! I was about to do it manually on every page.
thedigitaldiarist 4 years ago

thanks so much! I spent, uh, too long deciding on a colour palette 😄 and yeah, that's a nifty lil' script!

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMay 26, 2015
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