199 updates
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Hey! you just followed me on my catfood site, I moved my website, my new profile is ! follow me there instead! Your site is so cute too!!
Hey! you just followed me on my catfood site, I moved my website, my new profile is ! follow me there instead! And thank you for interacting with my page!
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ringelstim 6 months ago

Of course, thanks for letting me know! :D

I am trying to get my parent website to be avakaszoo......
Things are finally coming together!!! I feel kind of weird because my style of website doesn't feel like it belongs anywhere, but i guess that is a good things. I have a long way to go with this. I just spent hours trying to get a music player running, to no avail. I am going to focus on something else tomorrow. I want to make myself a site button, I am not sure how though... I'll figure it out.
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ringelstim 6 months ago

Your style of website belongs to its own niche! I can't stop looking at it, it's great!! The thumbnail grabbed my attention and it was like love at first site (HA! puns :D)!

ringelstim 6 months ago

There are button makers available online, but I prefer to make them on photopea (or photoshop, if you have access!) so I can animate 'em to my liking :)

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedAug 6, 2024
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