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Question: "Should I Create A New Handle&Page Here With More Clarity ?" Please respond with opinions as opposed to simple 'likes', cool? I'd honestly appreciate it @ ALL of you. Write as much as you want! No matter WHAT, got it? Cool... thanks.
probablynot 6 years ago

This is an issue that I've been pondering recently. With my first neocities site (which I'm not going to identify) I wasn't happy with the username and changed it, only to find that while I liked the new name better, it further boxed me into a "theme" for the site which didn't match what the site was supposed to be about. Having changed it once and made new graphics etc I didn't feel I could change it again. (cont'd)

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probablynot 6 years ago

(cont'd) It contributed to my inevitable losing-of-interest in keeping the site (there were other factors, but I can't mention those without giving too many clues to the other site's identity). In general I would advise people to plan ahead :) If you want to make another site with a new handle, go for it, but know what you intend to do ahead of time.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Glad you're alright! Have been keepin' tabs on the Aussie Weather prob. That's really effed-up! Same here, but vice-versa! "Odd" is too simple a word/term for it, huh? I actually know what's up... but, will go into that (perhaps) later, yeah? >>>

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kenny46140 6 years ago

( No, no. Not some 'conspiracy theory' nor the goof-ball crapolla like that. It's... well, later...k? )

kenny46140 6 years ago

"Big Thanks" for the advise. I follow ya exactly and came to the very same conclusion 'you' wrote above. Good to know it's 'still' a "small world", huh? Alotta people dunno what that even means anymore it seems, but they do (I'm sure). I was kinda asking because my 'handle' seems lately so... um, "goofy"(?). Plus, I wanted to reformat my page more complex... but 'that' really isn't my way. Simplicity is just that. >>

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kenny46140 6 years ago

At my age (30, 42, 50... whatever ya think), I believe the more complex we (used to) make things... the more needless obligations appear. Sure, I'm a simple guy who leads a simple life... But, "Been There, Done That" and complicating/overdoing things isn't right. JUST like I'm doing NOW! Yeah, I talk too much and obviously 'overdo' the yacking at times! Happens when I feel 'somebody follows me', which is rare lately!

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Anyway, dear... Thanks again! I honestly hope you're "keepin' cool"! Damned weather, anyway! Chock-A-Block Of BS, catch? Eff-The-Dumb-Shist! ;)

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probablynot 6 years ago

*waves* Age is just a number... attitude on the other hand... is attitude ;)

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kenny46140 6 years ago

You got it! ;)

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