The potato LTE

383 updates
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The color style still needs tweaking. Will do that at some point :)
I am having techinal difficulties loading today's entry!! It's in the data file. It just won't update on the server?? This is a neocites issue, not my problem.
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jakeoreilly 9 months ago

bro... i've never thought about something like this wtf just one massive blog, i appreciate the breakdown too! this is sick

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knockton 9 months ago

@jakeoreilly yeah it's a cool concept

I have uploaded the remake. It is still under construction, so it will not replace the home site yet. It is accessible through
Website rework is close to completion. I hate JavaScript with all my heart. But I had to deal with it. Style will be roughly the same as it is currently is for now. But the rebuild will in theory allow eaiser modification. So a style rework will arrive after.
Have a web dev class now. So will start reworking on site at some point so that I am revising the subject at the same time.
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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedOct 26, 2022
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