
418 updates
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Breaking the link to Town Ghosts temporarily
I added my business email in case anyone would be interested in working with me on a zine or an anthology. I'm not open to doing commissions though. Maybe sometime in the future though :3
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I added a link to my blog's ask box (and to here) in case anyone has any questions/comments/reviews :3 If I get any, I might make a FAQ and reviews page
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Hmm, I'm thinking about changing my writing about myself and the site to 1st person instead of 3rd... Should I? I wanted to show how to use and alternate my pronouns, and it's convenient to copy my bio blurb for submitting pieces to publishers, but 1st person is more casual. What do y'all think?
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Put a little more info about my interests in terms of media, and added a few more of my hobbies to my about page :)
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Looks like all the links are working on my end! If they're broken for anyone, drop me a message so I can investigate :3
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Hmm, weirdly only 2 of the Yesterweb links are working even though the code was copied the same from the pages it is working on... I'll have my partner take a look at this when he wakes up
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedNov 28, 2021
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