MiaQc Archive/Explicit Archive

6,475 updates
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Remaining 18+ original stories are updated. Next step: the 18+ fanfics then the SFW drawings/commissioned art/fanfics/original stories content.
I updated a couple more stories too. And now will go back to MK1.
"Elisa, Elian, Chataid" is updated. Same in French. Also I have heath issues due to my thyroid gland acting crazy so sadly slower updates.
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badgraph1csghost 1 day ago

take care of your health first! we'll still be here <3

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Both 18+ "Blood and pleasure (Explicit)" and "ChatAid: Princess Lolira and You" had been updated to have the website css style instead of small black text on white background from squidgeworld archive. Also added links for the choices in Princess Lolira story.
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All NSFW Commissioned Art pages are done. Also forgot the change the body class style for the 18+ podfics. That's fixed.
I continue updating the NSFW Commissioned Art pages. I had done so far Johari [OC], Koudelka Iasant, Magical Traces [OCs] & Poison Ivy. 6 more to go.
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Thank you for the 40K views! 🎁

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Last updated 4 hours ago
CreatedNov 22, 2024
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