The Law NEET

1,036 updates
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If you wanted an update for whatever reason, I'm currently working on university applications and haven't really had the time to write anything for the site. A shorter post about publishing is almost ready, and I can write a longer analysis of reverse engineering once my applications are done. Thank you very much for your support so far.
joppiesaus 4 years ago

good luck on your university stuff!

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thatwhitehand 4 years ago

Ah, I have been wondering how you were doing. Good to see an update from you.

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What a wonderful website concept you have! I'm currently reading your analysis, and I think you describe it in a really academic yet accessible way. I don't know anything about law but your site makes that subject and the NEET lifestyle easier to process and take in. Great work!
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piety 4 years ago

Man, I love your site, but you gotta make your links distinguishable.

lawneet 4 years ago

Thanks, piety. This is something I didn't clock when making this site, but hopefully it's a little easier to navigate now.

piety 4 years ago

It's way better now! Keep up the good work.

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I'm not quite sure how it happened, but this site is somehow the most followed in the "law" and "NEET" tags. There was basically no law on the site, so I decided to add a short version of my dissertation. Thank you all for your support.
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rvklein 4 years ago

For some reason there is not a lot of crossover between interpretations or source of legal documents with people who are skilled at writing and maintaining hypertext content.

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sanhyo 4 years ago

the stuff on your neet page are all good advice, the problem is that all those hobbies get boring over time, the better you get at them so you constantly have to find some new shit to occupy yourself with. i also feel you have to care about your mental state even more because you can get so easily down and then you're fucked. im in this 'standby mode' for around 6yrs already, it sucks

That's a pretty NEET website.
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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedMay 2, 2020
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