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hardmachine 6 days ago

I have a review 70% done, but I'm stuck near the end :(

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Oh dear... What's going on with things not loading 😭
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hardmachine 2 weeks ago

I don't really like this new one, but I spent a whole evening writing it up and it was on my to-do list anyway.

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daughterofbilitis 2 weeks ago

oh, the whole story about doobl was interesting. it was pretty obvious it was fake, everything was happening too quickly, but a decent little meta story, nonetheless. i’m sad that the modern era is too cynical to truly enjoy stuff like this or ‘hogwarts school of prayer and miracles’ anymore…

hardmachine 2 weeks ago

I've thought about what a modern version of a "fictional creator breakdown" would be like but it wouldn't work unless someone was a really, really dedicated troll and tried to make an online presence and fake something to get called out for, etc. It really was a product of its time...

I deleted today's update because it was literally housekeeping (fixing typos and bad grammar on old pages), but I forgot I added a new little dude on the capybara shrine:
hardmachine 3 weeks ago

I'd be lying if I said the capy didn't tempt me to buy this game on sale, but I am not a poker fan.

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hardmachine 3 weeks ago

Here's my big lump of coal for all the adult children on Christmas.

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americasdecline 3 weeks ago

omg I recognize some of these clips from social media, but I assumed they were recent edgy social media fodder. I never would heave guessed they came from a show from the early 2000s! great read and I'd be interested to check out the show!! is it streaming anywhere?

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hardmachine 3 weeks ago

I watched it on but it's on Paramount+!

sakana 3 weeks ago

I adore Wonder Showzen and kinda treasure how hard I had to work to grab crunchy, disparate clips of the show from across the internet because it wasn't airing/licensed in Australia but all my American friends watched it. "Celebrate Our Differences" sometimes pops into my head lol.

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snowibunni 3 weeks ago

I saw this show on the TV guide so many times and never watched it. I'm missing out... thank you for the write up. The second you said Xavier Renegade Angel, I knew I need to see this.

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hardmachine 3 weeks ago

I haven't even seen Xavier: Renegade Angel, I just know I have to now...

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hardmachine 1 month ago

THE NEW ART GALLERY IS UP!!! Now it's the OC pages that are TBA...

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hardmachine 1 month ago

I realize this layout is kind of a nightmare for galleries with a lot of images, which is why I added instructions... 😭

hardmachine 1 month ago

I have a new page that's 70%-80% done, but I decided to postpone publishing until Christmas. Instead I added more meat to the Moshi Monsters review since the movie turns 11 today.

hardmachine 1 month ago

I have no idea why the responsive Youtube embeds are so small, by the way. Fixing the CSS doesn't help much.

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sakana 1 month ago

Your capybara page really takes me back, and I love the gallery of your artwork. In 2022-21 I worked at a zoo that had one (name of Sophia). She was very old and her companion who she was very bonded with passed away, but she didn't end up liking the new male they brought for her. I liked watching her get fed by the keepers because she'd flop onto her side when she was being petted.

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sakana 1 month ago

Recalling this made me investigate and learn she passed away a few months ago... understandable, she was ancient. RIP though.

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hardmachine 1 month ago

Cappy was pretty old too when I visited him, he passed away after I got to see him :(

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hardmachine 1 month ago

The Equestria font broke when I made the grid layout I made a separate .css file and I have no idea how to fix it. JFC.

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hardmachine 1 month ago genius ass had two style tags without noticing, that's why. Fixed.

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hardmachine 1 month ago

I considered letting this sit to publish on Christmas, but I haven't been well and don't know what my plans are for then. Having a rune on Christmas in 2022 was a fluke u_u

hardmachine 1 month ago

I should change the Youtube embeds when I come home from work...

mrszenigata 1 month ago

Wow, Moshi Monsters! What a blast from the past! There was a very brief period where it didn't have a membership system. Originally it was like Webkinz where you could get exclusive items from toys, and then when Club Penguin got bought by Disney, it tried to emulate that system instead. It was a great, mostly free-to-play game back in the 2000's!

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hardmachine 1 month ago

This is interesting! I was already too old for it when it dropped in 2008, so my exposure was after it became a freemium game... Sad to hear it was chasing after what Club Penguin was trying to do.

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snowibunni 1 month ago

I have never even heard of Moshi Monsters!? This was really interesting tbh. Thank you for the write up

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