80 updates
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and just like that, life happened.
this song holds the greatest truth in life:
i love your peelopaalu webpage and outburst is a pretty neat website. i thought of something very similar to that a long time ago but i didn't go through it, mainly because i don't know how to code. cheers!
1 like
out of all the profiles on this site, this has to be one of the most interesting. i don't know much about baseball but i'm a simple man and i like to say sammy sosa's name sometimes in moments of mental idleness. it's sorta like when you space out and before you know it, you've been singing the theme song of friends but you replaced all the lyrics to gibberish. anyways i appreciate your spirit. cheers!
sammysosasplayhouse 4 years ago

Thanks! We appeal to a niche that's a bit different than most NeoCities sites, but that's part of the fun for us. Always glad to spread the word of Sammy. Protip: say "Sammy Sosa sells seashells by the sea shore" for maximum fun.

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have you ever washed your hands to the calming words of charles manson?
1 like
bluef00t 4 years ago

complete paranoia is total awareness

1 like
thank you!for following me
lemonshandy 4 years ago

no prob. i love all that fringe theory sorta stuff.

1 like
interesting site. i've been looking into modding effect pedals/electronics for sometime now, haven't really pulled the trigger on it quite yet though. will definitely keep in touch with you because it seems like you're experienced with it.
1 like
tg-music 4 years ago

Thank you. Modding is fun and rewarding hobby.

To answer your question, is our email.
hey, are you the fbi?

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJun 7, 2019
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