This is so inspiring. I hope in the future decades I'll have archived copies of my Neocities site to share post-humously.
Yes, free accounts prior to July 2023 will not work due to the way post-page load scripts are handled.
I experimented with it, and had some odd results. I moved the code into a file called hitcounter.js, and immediately, the .html file reported that the script was blocked by the browser. I tried to look at the file I uploaded, and it just hung on Loading... I renamed it to hitcounter2.js, and then it was fine. Referencing this new filename also worked.
I tried naming it something else locally and reuploading, but now that filename was locked somehow. I ended up just choosing a new filename via the New File button on the uploader, and then copy & pasting the code into it. That seemed to do that trick. Not sure what's up, since I've uploaded .js files before, and this would be a huge pain if I can to implement the manual workaround.
ok, thanks so much. i'll give a shot at uploading it via pasting the code into neocities itself. it's an odd problem, it's not necessarily something i NEED to have loaded into a file, but it just seemed so weird to me it didn't work when i tried? thanks!!
dang, i passed right by my 6 year neocities anniversary this month. happy 6 year :)
wow i cannot believe its been six years! seems like alot of us made sites at around the same time haha