down the rabbit hole

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i'm on winter break, so i should be actively updating soon. ^_^ my personal taste has changed a bit since i last brainstormed a layout for this site, so i imagine the previous uber-sweet theme won't be making a return. while i still love pink, and it'll always be my favorite color, i've found myself leaning towards more classic (in egl terms... though i'd consider myself 'swassic' hehe) & autumnal colors 🦢🧺
lookingglass 2 months ago

i think i stuck to the overly-sweet gimmick for so long because, while i do adore so many aspects of sweet prints and incorporate them to my style and preferences outside of lolita (my aesthetic, if you will.. though i dislike the term), it was also just what i had liked for so long. i've grown quite a bit this year and i suppose i'm just changing! i don't know why i'm rambling on neocities lmfao i need to get a blog

happy to see you back & updating! ^_^
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zombieish 5 months ago

YAY thank you so much!!!! I finally have a lot of downtime inbetween egl and tradeschool haha. Same with you!! Cant wait to see your site renovated!!!

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hi! ^_^ it's been a while, but i'm here after 5 months hahaha! when i made this site, i (very stupidly) hosted the images through discord because i didn't know what hotlinking was, so throughout the next few days (hopefully) i'll be fixing that, trying to make my site look better in general, and finally get around to the other pages that i never did!
thankyou for following! I love your egl collection, so beautiful and put-together!
zombieish 1 year ago

thank you so much, It means alot!!!! ^_^^ I cant wait to see ur site grow :D Love the sugary carnival bkg!

thankyou for following 🫶 lovely website!
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fruitscones 1 year ago

ty!! same to you!!!

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMay 31, 2023
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