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Hello! I'm back! I wrote an article about how to install a Doom Mod I started playing a little while ago. I also took a look at the state of the site, and took the opportunity to fix a few things. Favicons don't disappear on article indexes, and articles are now ordered from newest to oldest instead of the other way around. I hope you enjoy the new article and the refined functionality of my site!
macrosofa 3 years ago

Oh, and the ugly impromptu halloween banner for that game has finally been tore down in favor of a proper "Software projects" section!

thoughts-about-stuff 3 years ago

Welcome back! I recently did a big redo of my favicons too. I used this site to generate them, it was very useful:

I really appreciate your articles on social media, and especially Reddit! While I will be writing my own articles on the matter regarding how these things use game-design elements to manipulate people, I really appreciate your take on the matter, and I'll be sure to link people to your article if they have any further questions or want more material!
Remember my announcement that I was gonna make an article about RISC OS soon? It's gonna take a little longer. I don't have the best-supported hardware for RISC OS and I want to wait until I have something to review it on to do it better justice.
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macrosofa 4 years ago

In more detail, I have a Raspberry Pi 4. Thing is, it's not very well supported by RISC OS right now, and most apps that aren't included with the OS simply outright crash on it. I want to wait until I can access one of my older Pi's to do the review on, which have better support and are more stable with more software. This OS really fascinates me, so I want to deliver the best review that I can.

Expect to see more content on single board computers and the Raspberry Pi in a little bit, starting with an article about RISC OS.
I was able to access the internet, including Neocities, from a web browser on RISC OS called Netsurf. It's far from perfect and doesn't support all of the features that most mainstream web browsers support, but I can log into Neocities and post from it
This comment was posted from a Raspberry Pi running RISC OS.
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Thanks for following me! I noticed some interesting stuff on your website, so I'm following you too now, and I'll add your button to my page in a moment. Also, FYI, the links on your "About" page are broken, you should add "fuck/" to the actual links.
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misterdizzy 3 years ago

Thank you so much! I'm glad anyone is paying attention to my shouts into the infinite void. I needed that. Thanks.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJun 7, 2020
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freesoftware opensource programming videogames computers