that's so sad

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Hi again, I just wanted to let you know that somebody has potentially identified what happened when you tried Startron and that a fix will be going into v0.26 if you want to try it again :)
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maniacworld 4 years ago

Tried the first time and it didn't work, but i figured out why and the game is working now, it wasn't working because i haven't installed net framework 3.1.0 (i had a more recent version) maybe it was my mistake from the start heh. The error on cmd was showing me that but since it was closed right after popping up i couldn't read it, i just was able to read it because i opened it on cmd from the start.

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maniacworld 4 years ago

And thanks for remembering me of your game, now i'm trying to understand how to play it and it looks fun.

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startron 4 years ago

Awesome - glad you're able to get in now - be aware there's a lot that doesn't work or isn't finished at the moment, so don't worry if there's something you can't do yet :)

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Would love to play the game, but it just quickly open a cmd and closes it. Also virustotal points an adware on your game, i don't know if it's true but maybe there's some explanation. Your project looks fun, hope you keep going and maybe one day i can play it. I wish you luck and success on your project
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startron 4 years ago

Oh, that's odd - I suspect your antivirus software is just flagging it as malicious then closing it because it's from an un-recognised developer (afterall I am just some guy on the internet). You could always try disabling virustotal or reducing your settings just to try it out (nothing to stop you putting them back afterwards). I will look into how to prove to anti-virus software the software is not adaware though.

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startron 4 years ago

I have uploaded the release .zip and the actual .exe to VirusTotal for analysis, it appears only 2 of their engines are saying there's anything wrong (which sounds like a false positive to me). - Nevertheless, I have sent a support ticket to them to see if we can resolve this. Thanks for trying it out though :)

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