OK, well, I probably actually performed a silly operation by leaving that comment, well, shouldn't it kill anyone, I think I'll change the smile to a more appropriate one, well, apologies if it caused anyone up-set.
Try out my new invention — Frame Based Web Explorer™: https://mihails-guide.neocities.org/FrameWE/ROOT.HTM (among multiple other changes)
Also, just declared social media network sites black holes. At least they're on the full way to become them. (see new conclusion #4)
Nothing important; mostly only CSS modifications. Navigator was altered the most; now it uses new set of icons.
Today I roll out incremental changes. Well, not only that; now there's a page that lets you browse OUTSIDE of my web site!
While I'm at it — corrected an error made while renaming a file. Enjoy this filename extension capitalization hell >:-] (no the problem here was a digit)
But first I have to resolve problems with homework. Maybe I'll do something on weekend.
There's a backstory of this web site; it's preliminary right now. Just felt like there's a necessity to describe the reasoning behind that shaped this web site.