D-Man's WEB

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dmansweb 1 month ago

New article up! About shogun, fear of dying and finding purpose in life.

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Hey, I think your site design is really neat! Love the black and white aesthetic. Your poem is beautiful as well! Looking forward to see more of your work.
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beast2plate 1 week ago

Ah! I actually haven't even checked out the socials of Neocities and didn't see your comment until just now. <3 I started with templates and have been morphing them into my own thing. n.n Thank you so much~

I enjoyed visiting your site, reading your poetry and checking out your photography! I am not an architect but I enjoy looking at buildings wherever I go. Berlin is such a rich city in terms of architectural gems isn't it? Have a good day!
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itsonlyjoey 1 month ago

thank you much! yes, absolutely loved it. even not counting all the famous buildings and architects, there's just so many quirky postmodern buildings

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saikyo-central 1 month ago

tbh i haven't actually considered that boring tasks go by faster when you don't have background noise. but now that you put it, it is true, i have wasted double the time doing chores looking for a good video or playlist for the background.

dmansweb 1 month ago

Exactly this! i've wasted so much time trying to find that vid that hit the spot while cleaning the house.

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedAug 15, 2023
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