Hey, glad it helped you! That is a great suggestion, I will do that for the next update!
Would you please add my banner which is on https://mitrasoker.neocities.org/gambar/MitraSoker-Banner-GIF-88x31.gif or do I have make another submission form? Thank you.
This cropped up in my feed so I hope you don't mind if I reply to this, I had to set up a redirect awhile back for one of my pages. https://www.w3docs.com/snippets/html/how-to-redirect-a-web-page-in-html.html
Thanks @pixelglade that's the same method I use!
You're welcome!
thank you pixelglade, although it is not what I'm looking for but its give me the idea on how to redirect visitor. Imho, meta refresh proper used to refresh the page what visitor see to know if there is an update and better avoid it to redirect visitor to another page.
The meta refresh works but there are probably other methods outta here, I'm not sure what they are. I liked the meta refresh method because all it needs is HTML.