Morgan VT's Defunct Neocities Website.

379 updates
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morganvt 6 years ago

I readded the rant and got rid of the Neocities Discord link since it basically no longer applies.

I take it back. I take it ALL back. mariteaux is WORSE than before!
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morganvt 6 years ago

Whoever thinks he's a good guy is a psychopath about to put themselves in a lot more stress than it's worth! DO NOT even fucking LOOK AT HIM.

While working on the next update for my website, I discovered that my website now has proper SSL security! You shouldn't have to worry about your data being stolen anymore!
I've updated the navbar and added a new livechat page! Remember to use http:// if you can't access the site with https://, I'm working on getting a new SSL certificate. Question of the update:Should I make my own Neocities Discord?
morganvt 6 years ago

I'm like... 90% certain I'm going to get flak from everyone for even suggesting that since we have two Neocities Discords already...

Not sure why you followed me since my website is effectively dead on Neocities, but uh... Thanks for the follow I guess.
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punchy 6 years ago

Pls follow me

There's something wrong with your new website's security certificate. (According to my antivirus software.)
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dotcomboom 6 years ago

join the regular http master race

morganvt 6 years ago

I haven't registered a proper SSL certificate but I'll register it later. It's just plain text static HTML for now anyways, and not anything too big.

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quokka 6 years ago

weewoo DNS problems CNAME can't resolve.

morganvt 6 years ago

I don't know what that's about... Might've been during that 503 from earlier.

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Just to be clear, I'm only going to stop updating this website, I'm not totally leaving Neocities in the dust.
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I apologize for how long this is taking for another update. I'm still updating it, but again, like I said, I do not upload updates early. Also thanks for the 2,400 views.
1 like
Overall, a great site. I would recommend.

Website Stats

Last updated 6 years ago
CreatedJan 9, 2018
Site Traffic Stats


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