
7,178 updates
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So as you can tell I haven't work on some things in a while. I had some stuff in my personal life to take care of but IM BACK ON THE GRIND! New stuff is almost done :D
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YIPPIE the About section is now done :D!!! I plan on adding more pages soon. I should have at least one more done by the 25th(maybe idk). There are also pages that are "done" that I want to go back a change a bit just to look a bit more neet!
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hello! thanks for following my website!! :D btw my website button on your website redirects to an error page, you have to fix the redirection link lol :')
mspaintdemon 1 year ago

HII I'll fix your button rn!

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federiefederi 1 year ago

Hi, hope you finish with those new pages soon! maybe you can add an "about" page too... as soon as you finish them I'll add your button to my site! I'll be waiting for your next update~

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedDec 28, 2022
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parappa personal art sega sonic