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kind of in a conundrum as to where i should be posting my R18 art.... i still want it to be available for those who want it but i dont think i still want it featured anywhere near my main site. maybe ill make a separate site for it idkkkkk
catnurse 2 days ago

i had the same problem. if i still focused on sfw i would probably keep a sfw website separately but instead i just made a sfw pixelfed account and decided that this website is a sketchbook (containing some of my sfw work, but not an address i give out to everyone), and made a second professional nsfw site.

necrowmancy 2 days ago

I personally have the thumbnails in my gallery have a big nsfw tag on it

will probably try to do a little two hour art study stream every friday morning from now on bcs i have no classes on friday now. would be cool to hang out with people :> (ill start at 9 AM CET )
maphren 2 weeks ago

ooo exciting!! i'm not gonna lie i probably won't be awake at that time but if you keep the vods id love to watch those and draw along c:

angelnetcast 2 weeks ago

seconding what maph said, that's like 2am my time (i'm sometimes awake then) but i'll totally watch the vods!

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hgari 1 week ago

i started a bit late but im live now, just sketching around a bit :> also sorry if the audio quality is bad, my mic cord broke :')

hgari 2 weeks ago

studies have been updates! :]

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anyone know what happened to catcakes? did they move site or?
maphren 2 weeks ago

right? i was worried about this too. it seems like sometime last summer they purged some of their online prescence. they attacked me during artfight last year and i messaged them asking if it was okay to publicly mention their site in a comment, and keep their button on my site even tho i know it's a dead link, and they said anything referencing their site was totally fine. i didn't want to pry -

maphren 2 weeks ago

- and ask why they took it down but they still post on tumblr so it seems like they're doing okay.

uploaded daily paint study, wanted to do more but ended up falling down a fursona redesign rabbithole. came out with a new pagedoll tho! :]
hgari 3 weeks ago

theres also some new art in the art gallery!

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added daily comic and daily studies pages under gallery :]

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedDec 18, 2023
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art blog vegan ocs minimalism