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n0vice 4 years ago

New theme colors for February, music log, and journal entry about SEVENTEEN. Also added in links to my new neighbors <3

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nyanseong 4 years ago

"a soft manifesto" was a really eye-opening read, thanks for the rec! as someone whose work isn't in the art field, i struggle w/ a parallel problem of feeling like my art-hobbies aren't a legitimate art practice because they don't make any money, so the Mail Blog idea is really radical and shifts my perspective on art :')

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n0vice 4 years ago

im glad the article helped you! :D yeah art is for everyone, and anyone can be an artist so long as they create. if anything, i do think your site and zines are legitimate art! please continue making stuff!!

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finally updated the site and made a new layout! <3

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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedDec 31, 2019
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personal music writing art