
2,855 updates
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Woah love the theme and visuals! Nice job! keep on keeping on
Hi! I'd like to join the Mental Heal Circle webring if it's still possible! Web desc: A personal website expressing messy emotions through messy art and projects.
i love your site so much. thank you for making this its so wonderful <33
hello! i would like to join the webring, if that's okay. website description: juno's personal website; a place to share my comfort media and vents!
haiii I'd like to join the webring!!! web desc: a chaotic personal website with a different theme/aesthetic each page made mostly in rep of my adhd and was made as something to do to cope with it, includes a blog where I vent!
1 like
haii I'd like to join the webring ^w^, a description of my website would be : A website that's cozy-ish themes, had some mature themes though (on blog)
hii!! i'd like to join the webring if it's still open :3
i would like to join the ring, but I'm not confident my site qualifies for constructive coping
Hello! I'd love to join the mental health circle if it's still open! I have a website with mental health head help page I hope can help people who are struggling, particularly if they are neurodiverse like me <3
im interested in joining the mental heal circle +]

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedJun 17, 2018
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art cute videogames positive soft