4,080 updates
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Long time no update! I haven't had much time for my website (or for the NIGHTCORNER in general) over the last year because I uh, got beaten up by cops, and got involved more with local social activism, and it was a whole thing. Ha ha. Anyway, a lot of things on my website broke since then (was hosting some stuff through Discord), and then there's stuff I never finished in the first place, so it's kind of a mess rn.
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nachtkern 3 weeks ago

I've still quietly been adding some things to my website and tinkering away at it, but I've got about a billion other things to pick back up as well (I just got my Discord bot back up yesterday. It was offline for like 3 years)... so it might be a while before I really get around to everything that needs to be done on the website.

Hi everyone! I didn't realize so many of you were following my website... I get kinda shy about it! I'm trying to put together an audio player right now, but I'm not really proficient with JS so it's all uncharted waters for me. :P So if you see me update my website a billion times, that's why!

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedApr 8, 2022
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art hamtaro