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): Why does NeoCities hate me so much? I don't understand why my site keeps breaking here and here only. In testing and on my main site it works great, but here it goes crazy
Another furry friend, awesome!
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neververy4 2 years ago

Very excitied to see your site progress. .. It'sa wonderful idea of an archive. My 'sona's from 2009, so seeing things much much older than him is awesome O:

I have a new sites page where you can get your own site added :) E-Mail me ( your website (and a half-banner image or smaller if you have one), and if I like it? I'll add it :) I plan on making a personal list of sites that I like and wouldn't mind visiting again every once inna while, but also making that list public so others can see what sites I like

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedMar 14, 2022
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