75 updates
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thank you for the follow! excited to see your shrines :)
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nickyworld 1 year ago

omg tysm!! i've been doing some shabby layout work behind the scenes, and that includes working on how i'm laying out my shrines! i'm really excited to share 'em when i finally finish 'em up!! :-)

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i love the look of your website!!! the colors and especially how different elements light up when you scroll over them. so fun!!! and listening to dragula as i explored was a blast hahaha
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solaria 1 year ago

omg i was wondering if anyone would listen to the music i added! i too like to listen to dragula when on my homepage sdhjfgsjhfsg

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just read your post on accessibility and the follow up for it. excellent and informative reads! helps put a lot into perspective, and i hope to carry that sentiment with me as i work on my site. also, "Back pain WILL NOT stop me from doing what I was born to do: post." had me crying bahaha
whiona 1 year ago

Thanks so much for reading and leaving a kind message :’) (it’s true, I was a poster fresh outta the womb)

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Thank-you so much for the kind comments in my chat-box!! <3
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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 1, 2023
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