front the show for a while I thought it was just furry show I tired to not watch after the first season because I figured it was olny really a furry thing lol
oh and whats the best way to store blinkys becuse when I try to put any on my website anywhere that isint my index they get really glichy and dont like to work
Hi! I think it's awesome. I love the intro page and the backgrounds. It gives a spooky vibe I really enjoy. Also, unrelated, but I read your about and love Beastars too! Thanks for your kind words - I'm pretty new to all this myself, but was able to build up from using sad grl's layout builder, which was a huge help. That's awesome that you're going to school for programming!
Regarding the blinkies, I store them all in a folder on Neocities, and then I refer to them like so: If you wanna email me a screenshot of the page or send me a link where the glitchiness is happening I could maybe figure out what's going on though!
I tried to add the code for a blinkie and Neocities didn't like that. Feel free to view my page source/inspect the code on my index to see the coding though
We're on our way there! The webring is only a few days old and we're at 6 people - not too shabby! :) Thanks for being the first member!
Omg this is so nice T_T Thank you for your kind words!! I love your site as well! It's so peaceful, and your art and photography is gorgeous!! Mind if I add you to my cool sites section?
Also!! Your banner is so cool! I was trying to do something similar with mine (specifically having a water background) but I kept running into issues making the code. Do you mind if I adapt your header code / use it to learn how to add a background like that? If so, I'll credit you, but know there is no pressure!
of course!! you are so kind 🥺... i really appreciate it .. and of course you can you don't have to credit me! if you have any questions or problems let me know and i can try to help you!!
I cant tell what you updated what was it?