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Hope you're happy now.
owlman 6 years ago

I have zero idea about what you're talking about

owlman 6 years ago

Oh, I said a mean comment to you ages ago about your site layout. It's nice to see that you haven't grown and updated your site layout, but you instead got upset about what some random twat said about you on the Net.

null34 6 years ago

Your web design isn't much better than mine, considering you just show some random photo on your homepage. The reason I was offended was because I was just trying something new and you had to come in and call my web design crap. I would have been fine with that if you had at least given me some constructive criticism instead of just calling me retarded.

joppiesaus 6 years ago

It's not about the quality of web design. People don't mind if you do not have a highly quality designed web page. But people don't like copies/bootlegs of other pages. I guess that's why. I'd still love to see a website designed by _you_, nonetheless. Even it's not a good one - but not a copied website.

strata 6 years ago

It's okay to leave Neocities. It's also okay to be pissed off at Owlman. However it is immature as fuck to publicy hold him responsible for your website's shutdown. If you decide to go, at least leave with some dignity.

I knew fireplace. Fireplace was a friend of mine. Sir, you are no fireplace.
1 like
null34 7 years ago

Alright, then.

1 like
sorta a low-effort post
arkmsworld 7 years ago

I'm Z-Lucas, yes I'm the real Zlucas. All you other Z-Lucas' are just imitating. :P

1 like
I didn't knon A.N. Lucas had a retarded brother
null34 7 years ago

I didn't know that idiots couldn't spell 'know'.

1 like
owlman 7 years ago

Darn, I guess what I said is now pointless now that you corrected me on my spelling

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CreatedNov 14, 2017
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