hey! you can see my site's 88x31 button if you open the dropdown in the sidebar. you can just right click and save it. also here's my art fight profile lol: https://artfight.net/~PencilVoid
if you like the way someone does something and it is not a free to use template, i recommend looking at how they do it and learning for yourself. i recommend learning it for yourself even with free templates but i am rather lazy. if u "steal code," steal bits rather than whole pages and modify it. and for sure credit when appropriate. don't make a fool of yourself and respect the work of others.
to quote the melonland forum: "you don't owe anything! just enjoy your time here :]"
perhaps we build hype? who cares. things comin' if i can actually do 'em.
its alright lol ToT no problem!!