Oh your flower header that goes from light to dark further down brings me such a physical sensation of joy !!
two new rose myrtle lappet moths (Trabala vishnou) they are so cute and small. they hold their hindwings out to the side and their forewings close to the body. named after the hindu god
when i started this site i wasn't expecting the moths and the album covers to be my biggest focus points but here we are. no complaints <3
it's been a bit, hope you all are doing well! i want to get some more book covers and moths up soon. maybe i'll even branch out and update the actual code a little. we'll see!
we're coming up on one year since the last archive update... i gotta do another one... the bunny chewed some holes in the dust cover of my nice 1972 copy of this book... the book cover display in the library is still a wip (you'll notice the scrolling doesn't work right)