Oposh's safespace

2,297 updates
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I really like that whenever you hover on hyena it shows glitches
Really like this design! Also how did you made such shape?
1 like
Wow, yesterday was testing how my site looks like in 1920x1080 by using flat tv and was suprised that music was sorted with 5 in row then in lower like 1280x768 3 in row
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oposh 1 year ago

Looked so cool but and the same time I need to think of visibility of titles,but it will be really hard cause I used figure tags

oposh 1 year ago

and since I yeeted backround of figcaption I think I would need to make through grid maybe or like in art by sorting img

1 like
I want to do something with my site, but at the same time I don't wanna
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nvm found solution lmao
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Lol, margin broke my site on mobile view, but I fixed it. Just need to think how to center the main content on desktop at the same time not screw up the mobile one?

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 27, 2023
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