The Possum Den

1,994 updates
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kingposs 18 hours ago

Finally added the station number to KP Radio, now anyone can call me! :3 909-500-2035. Also, added contact information for Signal!

kingposs 18 hours ago

Wanted to add: When you call the number, you're ringing an old rotary phone I got working again on my desk lol. A bright red western electric 500DM!

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roguepebble 6 hours ago

thats so cool!!

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LIVE interview today at 2:00 PM, PST with Carter, webmaster of! we'll be talking about their music and compositions, what it means to be an artist, and anything else we might so happen to stumble on in conversation. catch it live at !
lucky-goose 5 days ago

Thanks so much for having me! It was lots of fun :)

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We will be having a LIVE INTERVIEW and broadcast with Musician, Artist, and Webmaster Carter! They run, and compose music! The interview will be on March 1st, at 2:00 PM PST! don't miss it!
I've wanted a way to quickly document and easily share things i've learned or researched for YEARS, but I finally decided to take action! Using obsidian for note taking, Quartz v4 for static site generation, and github pages for static hosting, I've created my own knowledge base! From recipes my wife and I like, to fishing guides/advice, to telecoms and programming, it's all gonna be there :3
hey do you know how to use neocities through visual studio code? i downloaded an extension for neocities but i don't know how to use it
lakestheguy 1 week ago

nevermind i figured it out

kingposs 1 week ago

oh nice! im glad you were able to figure it out!

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Pleasantries has released their new album: "nobody will notice when i'm gone" streaming on spotify and youtube! We'll be having a listening party to listen to the album here on KP Radio, at 3:30 PM PST if you'd like to give it a listen with others! check it out and check out their album if you cant make it live!
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kingposs 2 weeks ago

Two new artists joining the station: Castle Rat, and lunite76!

Wanna call into the station, or leave a voicemail to be played on the next scheduled broadcast? give me a call! 909-500-2035. You'll get a phone tree asking for you to select what option you want :3
noctivagant 1 week ago

SHITTT that's so cool. I might !!!

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Last updated 6 hours ago
CreatedJun 16, 2021
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art radio music furry