tug up on it once then i'm dead

2,973 updates
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hi lake, thanks for the follow!! i love your website! also cool resources on the internet archive, thanks for sharing! :)
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lakestheguy 4 weeks ago

you're welcome & thank you. means a lot to me that you appreciate my internet archive lists

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i was so so sad when i accidentally wiped everything, it made me realize how much this little website means to me. i won't be discouraged! i'm going to give it my all!! (o w o)9
i've updated the index page, started up some new pages too. i want to try again with a zonelets blog since i found the cutest html template to go with it. i'm also gonna try agian with the bluesky feed embed and see if i can make it look nicer this time :)
note to self: resources
rebuilding and updating based off an old version i saved last year, taking this opportunity to build from the ground up
oh my god i just. i went to sync winscp and i deleted my entire website....oh...
noticed that links had broken for the page images on index page, found new assets and replaced those. also took some time to implement a zonelets blog, has one post up! learned a bit about css and javascript. streamlining what's in my dashboard.

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedFeb 25, 2024
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hololive vtubers holostars blog personal