sundae's bunspace

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sunbun 2 months ago

pages were missing the UTF-8 charset attribute in the head of the page template. oops. accented characters should look fine now. don't think it's worthy enough of a change to add to the changelog

"blast that UTF-8 encoding" - quote from dr. eggman from sonic -- he said this, trust me. anyway i have no idea how to fix some unicode characters like hyphens and accented letters whenever i build my site with eleventy
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sunbun 2 months ago

i guess i'll just manually fix this in the dashboard until i figure out a solution

updating my site in a bit! re-wrote it with eleventy and took a bit of time off, i'm also doing a rename to my handle here on neocities because i don't think my old name fits me anymore. probably going to grandfather my old handle on the rest of my outgoing links
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also, since site buttons have their own dedicated bar now, i'd like to add buncha friends and critters on there that follow me but i'm like. shy.. 3; (but also currently tired). social media is a bit scary to me at times still
snewberry 5 months ago

am critter who follows u '3' im not scary i only bite sometimes

finally published my changes!! i hadn't put out any updates for months because i kept adding stuff onto it. it's kinda messy since it's all hand-written code by yours truly. i might look into static site generators next time i want to update the look of my site, which might be soon-ish lol
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What an absolute vibe with such warm colours and fun design!
updated to make it look more personal and less modern-y! very happy with how i made the gallery titles the same length as on desktop, regardless of screen width. text on notes aren't always perfectly aligned to the paper note background, and even is misaligned in some places (for now)

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2023
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personal pokemon furry art blog