home - piscei

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My website is pretty much screwed up. Thanks to GoDaddy, the gallery section is currently useless, since all File Garden uploads are blocked for viewing. I also have to update everything with the new "Piscei" branding. Though I'm honestly not proud of the current layout, it's bland and dull and doesn't feel like me. I'll probably revamp the entire website in the coming months, we'll see.
siahri is now piscei. deal with it.
cinebott 3 weeks ago

was the name siahri that bad?

piscei 2 weeks ago

No, there were several reasons I had to ditch the name, but none of it was because the name was inherently bad. I'll explain sometime.

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJan 4, 2024
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portfolio collection animation archive arts