πŸ’Ž quartzosc hangout πŸ’Ž

676 updates
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i was rly on some shit in covid times making and updating this website i kinda miss it (i dont miss the debilitating loneliness though), kinda surprised we got to 50k views :)
wake up babe new site just dropped
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quartzosc-chip 4 years ago

i will probably be moving to this in the near future (ie not updating this one anymore)

working on new music site, trying to unshackle myself from spaghetti code
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Welcome to WestHollywood!
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1 like
oo edgy rac*st in my guestbook, anyway happy 10k 😌
sweethard666 4 years ago

I had one in my chat too....

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Thanks for the follow! I also love Max Payne 3. And speaking of Y2K preparedness, have you ever watched the movie Relaxer? It's not for everyone, but I kinda dug it and would cautiously recommend checking it out. ✌️
madville 4 years ago

Man than movie was so gross but so great at the same time

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quartzosc-chip 4 years ago

sounds cool, ill have to check it out! neat site btw mines abit of a mess atm

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see you on the other side 2020
your site is fucking sick... tht is all
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corrxpted 4 years ago

You are not ready for what will come next xxx

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Website Stats

Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedSep 2, 2020
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cyberspace personal music y2k